Neto Community Network was co-founded in 2012 in Concord, California by a small group of ardent dreamers and doers. We had worked together at a cutting-edge collective impact initiative called Monument Community Partnership (MCP), where we witnessed for ourselves that social equity is achievable - not in some distant future, but in real time. Our founders so deeply believe in MCP’s relationship-driven approach to economic, health, educational and social equity issues.
We strive to link people who want to find ways to make our communities, our democracy, and our economy work better for everyone. Our vision is for every person to have a voice in how the community works, to share equal access to opportunity, and to be valued for their human worth and dignity.
Our mission is to provide pathways for people to connect, learn, and act toward greater equity:
Neto is distinct from most equity organizations because we tackle the overlooked problem of social fragmentation, which economists see as a root cause of inequality. Our strategies build bridges between people from all walks of life through their common community interests.
People need good information to fuel critical thinking about important issues. Our public forums expose people to different perspectives on economic, educational and other social equity issues, so they can form their own views about vital community matters.
Connected, informed, and passionate people make great community leaders. Neto helps to provide structure and support for people to act on the issues they care about the most.
Neto is a Spanish word that means “exactly equal; exactly right; the essence of the thing.” It captures the spirit of Neto Community Network - we help people from all walks of life put their values into action.

Brian Beckon
Board Member since 2016
Board Finance Committee Member
Co-Facilitator of the Local Ownership Action Team
In addition to being Neto’s newest Board members, Brian is Vice President of Cutting Edge Capital and an attorney with over twenty-five years of experience working for nonprofits, start-ups, and publicly-traded companies. He has served as General Counsel for RSF Social Finance, Clean Power Finance, and LendZoan; and before that as Corporate Counsel for Sybase and Catellus Development Corporation. Brian earned his J.D. from the University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law and started his legal career with the North Bay law firm of Gaw Van Male. Brian is a member of the California Bar and serves on the board of the Mount Diablo Music Education Foundation.

Harold Blair
Co-Founder, 2012
Board Chair
Co-Facilitator of the Inequality Awareness Action Team
A former social worker in San Francisco, Harold is fearless advocate of social equity in all its aspects. He was a founder of Men of Merit, a committed volunteer for the Monument Crisis Center, and was a protegee of Mary Lou Laubscher in her MCP Senior Action Team, so he knows everyone. Harold keeps us abreast of local political and community developments, and makes sure Neto is becoming a household word in Contra Costa County.

Molly Clark
Co-Founder, 2012
Board Secretary
Managing Partner in charge of Keeping Track of Everything
Co-Facilitator of the Inequality Awareness Action Team
Molly got involved with Neto thanks to her old buddies and MCP colleagues, Harold Blair, Luz Palomera Sierra and Kathy Renfrow. Molly used to be a consultant to, and later Executive Director of, Monument Community Partnership and its sister economic development center, Monument Futures. This is where she became convinced that interpersonal relationships, not just better policies and systems, are key to an equitable society and economy. Neto is a dream come true for Molly.

Luz Palomera Sierra
Co-Founder, 2012
Co-Facilitator of Neto’s Education Action Team
Best Friend of Sally Smith
Luz became a co-founder of Neto because she is a true believer in community empowerment through community connection. Luz is the one who came up with Neto’s name, which means (in Spanish) “exactly equal; exactly right; the essence of the thing.” Currently a pre-school teacher and insatiable learner, Luz deeply understands equity as it is lived – with family, friends and everyone else. She is Neto’s Great Connector. As a protegee of Sally Smith, she carries on Sally’s legacy in Neto’s Education Action Team.

Kathy Renfrow
Co-Founder, 2012
Board Chair
Co-Facilitator of the Inequality Awareness Action Team
Kathy became a co-founder of Neto because she can’t help it – she lives and breathes equity. Currently a bookkeepign consultant, Kathy was an astonishing community leader and project manager at MCP and really gets how small things – how we talk to each other, how we talk about each other, how we conduct meetings, how we conduct social services – can make or break a society and economy. It makes sense that she is Co-Facilitating the Local Ownership Action Team, combining all of her talents into one project.